Academics » YCSC Competencies

YCSC Competencies

On top of the Common Core standards, we go a step further by using our own mission-aligned YouthBuild Charter School of California STEM, Humanities and Culture Competencies. Our YCSC Competencies help our teachers to be very conscious of the skills and content being taught in class in a way that is transferable to every part of our students' overall growth and development. These Competencies offer a more holistic system for measuring student personal development and academic progress, while providing students opportunities to practice communicating their ideas and positions through written, verbal, and creative outlets.

About Our Competencies

The Culture Competencies incorporate consciousness of social issues as well as skills that are needed to take action and build unity. These competencies bridge the gap between the classroom and the community and are essential to fulfilling our school’s vision of social justice. The purpose of the Humanities Competencies is to holistically nurture students as readers, writers, and most importantly, as college and career-ready agents of change. The goal of the Humanities Competencies is for all students to have mastery and critical manipulation of reading, writing, and communication as a process of expression and action. The STEM competencies are based on the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards), standards that support the move from linear concepts to crosscutting STEM concepts across the disciplines. STEM classes are taught based on the 5 E’s-- engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate.
As an integral part of our school's model, the YCSC Competencies are present in the classroom, regularly reflected upon through the curriculum review and observation/ evaluation process, and updated and improved upon as part of the professional growth plan process each year. Through these Competencies, our students develop and utilize their academic skills and talents to create positive social change in their communities.

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