Student Photography Contest

Student Photography Contest Winners

First Place: Monica Rios, Palmdale site at Antelope Valley YouthBuild 

Photos taken by Monica Rios of staff and students at AV YouthBuild
Photo description by Monica Rios: Who are we? To understand who we are as a whole we have to take the time to understand who we are individually, and that's where the fun begins! We all come from different backgrounds and age groups, from staff to students, but somehow, one way or another it has led us down a path we are all sharing. And as I said, that's the fun part because we get to share our stories of what’s brought us to Antelope Valley Youthbuild, and we realize we have more in common than we think. We uplift each other, push each other and are here for one another. We are ANTELOPE VALLEY YOUTHBUILD.

Second Place: Aaliyah Johnson, Fresno site at Fresno EOC LCC

Photo of Aaliyah squatting in the dirt to fix a pipe of a sprinkler system
Photo of Aaliyah and other Fresno students wearing yellow vests and holding trash pickers before a cleanup event
Photo description by Aaliyah Johnson: YOUth have the solution. [The first photo] is me in Reedley when I was working on the sprinkler systems for the houses as my YCSC/LCC Work Experience training. [The second photo] was from a Beautify Fresno event.

Third Place: Jonathan Martinez, Avalon site at Mary B. Henry Academy YouthBuild

Jonathan teaching another student math on a whiteboard
Jonathan teaching another student math on a whiteboard
Photo description by Jonathan Martinez: I came to YouthBuild not knowing basic math, now I'm able to to teach my fellow classmates what I've learned.

Photography Contest Runners-Up

Marnea Keith, Avalon site at Mary B. Henry Academy YouthBuild

Marnea poses with a man who presents her with a certificate in front of the mural she helped paint
Photo description by Marnea Keith: This is when I got my certificate for helping paint our community mural. I also spoke at the unveiling ceremony.  

Angela Garza, Fresno site at Fresno EOC LCC

a student holds their hand out with a grasshopper in it
Photo description by Angela Garza: I am unique like a grasshopper. It is a joy leaping, hopping and jumping towards my education, career and success at YCSC.

Derek Nazarian, Canoga Park site at RUTH YouthBuild

Derek and his counselor Ashley pose in front of a mirror
Photo description by Derek Nazarian: I love coming to YouthBuild every day because Ms. Ashley motivates me to finish school. 

Guillermo Chavez, Fresno site at Fresno EOC LCC

Photo of a drawing of a tree filled with math equations
Photo title and description by Guillermo Chavez: The Formula of Life
Let C equal to Challenge plus Commitment
Let S equal to Success
Let C equal to Change multiplied to Career
Y  +   C  +  S  +   C     =   My Life at YCSC!

Izyk de la Torre, Fresno site at Fresno EOC LCC

A black and white photo of a s student standing in front of a projection with the YouthBuild logo
Photo description by Izyk de la Torre: I found the place for my own transformation and a chance at redeeming myself at YouthBuild Charter School of CA . I have hope in myself, the youth of our future, and my community that we will build a brighter future for our generation and the next generation to come.

Hazel Grant, Canoga Park site at RUTH YouthBuild

a photo of a painting displaying a pair of shoes and a quote
Photo description by Hazel Grant: When I first got to YouthBuild I saw this painting and I thought it was amazing. When I found out during mental toughness that it was very sentimental I thought that we had a good person here and a good memory of him.

Joshua Galaviz, Fresno site at Fresno EOC LCC

Black and white photo of Mr. Nelson teaching construction class
Photo description by Joshua Galaviz: This photo is of my construction teacher, Dr. Brian Nelson, who with his teaching helped spark my interest in construction and OSHA. The photo is of the moment in his class when I found out I love learning about the inner workings of machinery.

Jasmine Pinon, Fresno site at Fresno EOC LCC

a student crouches down in the pavement where the grass is sticking out of the cracks
Photo description by Jasmine Pinon: Life can be heavy and hard to move on, but if you have strength, positive mindset, desire and determination, you will surpass and grow productively.

Yashimah Grandberry, Lennox site at SBWIB YouthBuild

students gather around a horse and touch its nose
Photo description by Yashimah Grandberry: Even if you are an animal, YouthBuild is the place for you.