Senior Spotlight: Lupe Acevedo

Q&A with Lupe

Q: What did you like most about your YouthBuild Charter School of California experience?
Lupe: What I enjoyed most about YouthBuild Charter was the distance learning and the opportunity to earn my high school diploma.
Q: What was your favorite YouthBuild memory?
Lupe: My favorite YouthBuild memory are the teachers.
Q: What was your experience like during distance learning and having to graduate during a pandemic?
Lupe: I am very thankful for YouthBuild Charter School. The pandemic and distance learning served as an opportunity to complete and receive a high school diploma. Learning and working from home was a challenge but also a blessing and a new chance to complete a goal.
Q: Who or what has helped motivate you to graduate?
Lupe: My children and husband (Johnny Acevedo Jr.) have motivated me to graduate. My situations and circumstances have also played a part.
Q: What are your plans after graduation?
Lupe: I hope to pursue higher education. Now that I am a high school graduate I can attend college . I also have more opportunities.